Club Documents

Royal Wootton Bassett Volleyball Club

40th Annual General Meeting [club founded May 1984]

Monday 29th April 2024 | 7pm | by videoconference


AGENDA  * All meeting papers can be found on the club website:

  1. Welcome / attendees / apologies for absence
  2. Confirm minutes of 2023 AGM *
  3. Review of season 2023-24
  1. Chair’s Report *
  2. Financial Report and Accounts (Treasurer) *
  3. Performance Report (Club Coach) *
  1. Plan season 2024-25, including 40th anniversary celebration *
  2. Agree and adopt an updated club constitution *
  3. Elect committee for 2024-25 (see below)
  4. Note the process for appointing volunteer roles for 2024-25 (see below)
  5. Any other business
  6. Announce and celebrate Club Award winners 2023-24 (all sections and age groups)



Elected Committeepositions re-elected at the AGM

Chair                                 Phil Heads                                      Willing to serve 2024/25

Treasurer                         Donna Cunningham                      Willing to serve 2024/25

Secretary                          Dawn Davis                                    Willing to serve 2024/25

Welfare Officer               Julie Daniell                                   Willing to serve 2024/25

Club Coach                       Phil Heads                                      Willing to serve 2024/25

We can elect or co-opt additional committee members if we have willing volunteers. 


Volunteer Appointmentspositions appointed by the committee, taking advice from members

                                                                                    Current (2023-24) appointees

Coach (Women)                                                        Cliff Ball assisted by Phil + senior players

Coach (Men)                                                              James Daniell assisted by Phil + senior players

Coach (Junior)                                                           Phil, Marketa, Kat, Andrew, Donna + team of helpers

Team Contact : Women SW League                       Helen Morten + Zuzana Pritchard

Team Contact : Wilts Ladies & Junior                    Phil Heads + Donna Cunningham

Team Contact : Men/Mixed A Wilts League          Hayden Daniell

Team Contact : Men/Mixed B Wilts League          Ed Benham

Team Contact : U18/U16                                         Phil Heads

Team Contact : JuVoTo                                            Phil Heads + Kat        Grote

WVA Meeting Rep                                                    James Daniell, WVA Vice-Chair (Phil sometimes attends also)

Social Organiser(s)                                                   

Marketing and website advice                                Ed Benham

+ Jetto Aji has volunteered to help re-vamp our club website

Web Administrator                                                   Richard Howells (we contribute to his server rental)


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