Club Documents

Notes of Annual General Meeting 9th May 2014

Members present for all or some of the meeting:

Men: Robin, Jorg, Tomas, Irwin, Phil, Michael, Mohsen.

Women: Zuzana, Donna, Helen, Sanae, Mariska, Elena, Marina, Hana.

Juniors: Oriele, Vicky, Charlotte, Maisie, Emma, Kaspar, Dan.

Apologies were received from:

Andy, Richard, Mark, Dave, Andrew, Sabrina, Mirella, Igors, Armands, John.

Phil chaired the meeting in Andy’s absence.


Minutes of the 2013 AGM were accepted.

Season 2013/14 reports were accepted:

Number of players and finances are healthy.

  • Total club expenses for the year were £3,500+, income exceeded expenses, and we have more than £2,000 in the bank for contingencies.

Summer 2014 plans were shared:

The club website has information about regular grass and sand sessions, and tournaments.

Season 2014-15 plans were discussed:

Healthy player numbers mean we’re likely to enter 4 league teams again (2 mens, 2 womens).

  • Members agreed we should try to extend Sunday club sessions to 4 hours (subject to availability at Lime Kiln) to provide more frequent training opportunities for all.  Aces and Bees players are willing to share 2-hour men’s training sessions, as were both women’s teams.

  • Over the year as a whole we try to provide a balance between open mixed sessions and dedicated team training.  Members recognise the need to have both, even if individual preferences vary.  Most women prefer to train and play at the correct net height for them (most but not all the time).  However women are allowed to play with the men in the Wiltshire League mens/mixed divisions if they wish.

  • Members expressed enthusiasm for more social events.

  • It was suggested we tidy up the club website content, contacts list, add links to social media.

  • Annual membership subscriptions will stay at £30 adult / £15 junior.

  • Monthly training fees may rise, depending on court hire costs, up to £20 adult / £10 junior (exact training fee to be decided by the committee when costs are clearer).

Election of committee officers


Andy has left the area, and was thanked for his services to the club in various roles. 

  • No volunteer came forward at the meeting, so Phil and committee will seek someone later.


Richard is retiring from the role, and was warmly thanked for his 9 years as secretary.

  • Mark had volunteered and was elected unopposed.


Zuzana was re-elected unopposed.

Social organisers

Mariska and Marina were elected unopposed.

Web administrator

Richard had offered to take on this new role, and was elected unopposed.

Club welfare officer

Check with Kathryn that she is happy to continue in this specialist role.


Phil re-elected as Head Coach unopposed.

  • Aces coach to be decided.

  • Irwin re-elected as Bees coach unopposed.

  • Phil happy to continue coaching women and juniors, but will consider whether he can commit to the full workload of all three teams/groups.

  • We will encourage others to develop as coaches, and the club will contribute to individual coach training costs (including Irwin to attend a level 2 course).

Club awards 2012/13

Best or most improved player:

   Men Aces – 3 players were nominated, Armands received the most votes.

   Men Bees – 4 nominated, Dave awarded.

   Women A – 3 nominated, Vicky awarded.

   Women & Juniors B – 7 nominated, Oriele awarded.

   Junior – 3 nominated, Kaspar awarded.

Kevan Hobbis Award – 8 members were nominated, Phil received the most votes.
Posted in: Club Documents

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