RichardHowells posted on April 12, 2023 14:33

Chair’s Report 2022-23
Summer 2022
Weekly outdoor volleyball at Lydiard Park (for adults plus year10 upwards) was moderately attended, and we ran an indoor taster session for junior players on our waiting list. RWB members played at several tournaments including WVA, Whitefield and others.
Winter 2022-23
Still experiencing exceptional demand to join our club, we further expanded our junior and women’s capacity by hiring the whole hall and using additional net-space throughout the season. We can’t currently expand our men’s capacity because the whole hall isn’t available for their Sunday sessions. Some highlights and numbers this season:
- Record number of members and players (ages from U10 to 60+).
- All sections full to capacity: 34 juniors (U15); 25 women (13 U18) and 20 men (9 U18).
- Waiting lists for new players: 14 junior (U15); 10 women; 18 men (at April 2023).
- 14 competitive teams for U12, U13, U15, U18 and adults in national, regional and county competitions, with many successes (see Head Coach’s report).
- Lime Kiln LC is now established as our club venue for all training and home matches (including SWL), as well as for hosting junior events such as SW JuVoTo and VE Junior Grand Prix.
We installed our new long net system in March 2022 (cost around £1,000) and now use it every week for our expanded junior volleyball section. We applied for funding from Swindon Sports Forum and eventually received a grant of £618 a year later. In these challenging economic circumstances this grant is very welcome and will help us keep our junior costs as low as possible to encourage participation.
All this success is only possible thanks to many volunteers (adult and junior members, plus parents) who help to coach, organise, officiate, safeguard and host our players and events. On behalf of us all, huge thanks to everyone who made our club welcoming, safe and successful:
- Our committee: Phil, Donna, Debbie, Julie.
- Many members and parents who helped us host SW JuVoTo and VE JGP events at Lime Kiln LC, and supervised/coached our junior teams at away events.
- Our amazing team of junior coaches: Marketa, Kat, Donna, Andrew, Ed, Brad, Maddie, Millie, Hannah, Rory.
- Our hugely dedicated adult coaches: Cliff (women), James (men), and their various helpers.
- Anyone else who I’ve accidently missed out (sorry!) – we have so many great people helping us.
Looking forward
Some key challenges for 2023-24 and beyond include:
- Maintaining our high volume of activity and volunteers needed to support it.
- Managing high demand and waiting lists to join our club. Maybe run a weekly adult casual session.
- Keeping our costs to members reasonable during economic recession and high inflation.
- Maintaining our excellent relationship with Lime Kiln Leisure Centre under their new manager.
- Sourcing new/replacement equipment now that Sportset has closed (owners retired).
- Celebrating our club’s 40th anniversary?!
A planning paper for season 2023-24 will be discussed as a separate agenda item.
Phil Heads, April 2023